This page is a work in progress; it contains examples of the wide array of types of lessons, projects, skills, and content that I have created or modified, accompanied with student work samples.
Reading Art: Learning about Society from Paintings
Within my unit on the Renaissance is one of my favorite assignments, created long before me by one of my colleagues and many times over modified and tweaked throughout my years using it, our Renaissance Art Analysis Presentation.
Historical Identity Groups: Representation in a Survey Course
To facilitate more authentic inclusion and representation in the survey course I teach on United States History, this year I created Historical Identity Groups for specialized study. Each group is planning a Teach-in when they take over the class for a day.
Teaching Research; Teaching Writing
Second semester Honors World History includes a formal research project. Each step of the way, I have designed check-ins and scaffolded work to support students in their individual research process.
Teaching and Learning Physics: Being a Long Term Sub
During second semester 2018, I stepped in to serve as the long term substitute for the Advanced Physics and Engineering course. I created curriculum on the topics of electricity and circuits and supplemented classroom work with applications of past and current material through Rube Goldberg machines and student-led lessons with 3rd graders.
When Math Meets History: Great Depression Data Analysis
United States History activity analyzing economic data from the 1920s and 1930s to understand the impact of the Great Depression and New Deal
How To: A Systems of Equations Project
Accelerated Algebra I example project assessing systems of equations
Reconstruction: A Video Lecture
An example video lecture from my virtual classroom during COVID-19